2019 | HOGC Stories



Dec 30 · >



Dec 30 · >

HOGC DreamMakers Made Christmas 2019 Complete for These Youths

Christmas is a time of gathering for families. HOGC DreamMakers sets out to do this for youths from various...

神之心教會會友在 KHADIJAH 回教堂的學習之旅

神之心教會的Garrett牧師及團隊向 Mohamed Bin Ali 博士學習 Khadijah 回教堂的歷史。

Dec 20 · >


對於 16 歲的 Henry,編碼是他的第一語言。 現在,他用自己製作的 Telegram 機器人,把與神建立關係提升到全新的境界!

Dec 20 · >



Dec 18 · >

A surprise forever captured in this photographer’s heart

It wasn't any special occasion, until I received this camera as a gift from the church.

A Youth’s Take on Connecting with God

For 16-year-old Henry, coding is his first language. Now, he has taken connecting with God to a whole new...

Enhancing Your Coffee Experience in 4 Simple Steps

If you’ve been drinking coffee like how you would a hot cup of water, chances are you’ve not tasted...

Big Dreams Begin Now: Heart of God Church’s Mini Entrepreneurs

The young people of today have come to realise their entrepreneurial, creative spirit!