Global & Missions

Pastor Zhang Mao Song (張茂松牧師) at Heart of God Church2 min read

By: Sabrina C.

Hearing this man preach blew my mind, ignited my heart and tested my Mandarin-comprehension skills. This man is none other than Pastor Zhang Mao Song, the Founding Pastor of Hsin Tien Covenant Church (新店行道会) in Taiwan. The church has grown from its humble beginnings of 10 people to 3000 today, having planted more than 60 churches with over 10,000 people across Taiwan and China! 

As Pastor Zhang preached, it was simple yet full of conviction. Though he has served in ministry for over 42 years, he still spoke with immense passion! He shared timeless principles to encourage the young people of Heart of God Church (Singapore) to dream big and to hold fast to our convictions. 

“Your moral character is a foundation that forms your reputation… Your moral character will naturally be shown in your life and it can be trained!” 

Right there, I was convicted to live a life fully for Jesus and to end my Christian race strong. Beyond his sermon, what impacted me the most was to be able to have an image of how I’d want to keep serving God and to have that same passion even after serving God for so many years! 

We are so thankful to have speakers of such calibre coming to Heart of God Church! We recognise that we can be blessed with this life-changing message because of our Senior Pastors, Tan Seow How and Cecilia Chan’s relationship with Pastor Zhang! So HOGC, let’s have the vision in front of us to run this race well and to end it strong! 

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