On Good Friday, Heart of God Church was featured on The Straits Times for our interactive online services.
In the Straits Times’ article, it highlights how our online Easter services are designed to be as engaging as possible – with live chats, games and even a short GXT film production that allows viewers to choose their own ending.
Have you caught it yet? Which ending did you choose?
Pastor Tan Seow How and HOGC featured in The Straits Times for our interactive online Easter services.
HOGC On Air is put together by young people, including an IT team of mainly 17 to 22-year-olds. The creativity of our young people make our online Easter services fresh, fun and full of faith!
- Read the full article: Churches take Holy Week services online for Good Friday, Easter
This Easter 2020 weekend, join us online every hour from 10AM to 12 midnight at hogc.sg/easter. See you there!