By: Sabrina C.

Hearing Bishop Dale Bronner preach ignited my heart for the word of God, flooded my mind with wisdom and seriously tested my typing skills!
Bishop Bronner is the Senior Pastor and founder of the Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, an interdenominational ministry founded in 1991, thriving with more than 20,000 members to date. Not only is he a 4th generation Pastor, he’s also a 4th generation businessman being a part-owner of a multi-million dollar family-owned corporation, Bronner Bros.
Bishop Bronner imparts wisdom and insights not only for ministry but also for business. This resonates so much with our Senior Pastors of Heart of God Church (HOGC), Pastor Tan Seow How and Pastor Cecilia Chan, being both Pastors and business owners themselves (they share more about their journey here).
From the last time Bishop Bronner preached in our services, I still have goosebumps thinking back to all the moments of encounters I had with God in those services. Anyone who has sat in his services knows that almost everything Bishop preaches is a quotable quote (which explains my struggle to keep up with my moderate typing skills).
One of the messages he preached that impacted me deeply was that of the 4 elements of a calling. Bishop shared that the 4 elements of a calling consisted of, “Purpose, Passion, People, Place”. There was a twist at the end. A fifth element, “Price”. But we shouldn’t count that because we don’t let price dictate our decision to do things for God. We should not let price be our master, God should be our master!
I was so encouraged when he shared that God will help us fulfill our purpose and that He ultimately works things for our good.
“God will never leave you at a negative. What the devil meant for evil, God’s purpose prevails. Success is born out of failure!” The final punch point came when he took us through the 66 books of the bible and showed us where God was in each of them:
“In Genesis He’s the seed of the woman
In Exodus He’s the Passover Lamb
In Leviticus He’s our high Priest
In Numbers He’s The Pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire by night
In Deuteronomy He’s a prophet like unto Moses
In Joshua He’s the Captain of our salvation
In Judges He’s our Judge and Lawgiver
In Ruth He’s our Kinsman redeemer
In 1 & 2 Samuel He’s our trusted prophet
In Kings and Chronicles He’s our reigning King
In Ezra He’s a faithful scribe
In Nehemiah He’s the rebuilder of the broken down walls of human life
In Esther He’s our Mordecai
In Job He’s our day spring on high and ever living redeemer
In Psalms He is the Lord my Shepherd I shall not want who makes lie in green pastures and leads me beside the still waters.
In Proverbs and Ecclesiastes he is our wisdom
In Song of Solomon He is the lover and the bridegroom
In Isaiah He is the prince of peace
In Jeremiah He’s the righteous branch.
In Lamentations He’s the weeping prophet
In Ezekiel He’s the wonderful four faced male in the wheel in the middle of the wheel.
In Daniel He’s the fourth man in the burning fiery furnace.
In Hosea He’s the faithful husband forever married to the backslider.
In Joel He’s a Baptiser with the Holy Ghost and with fire.
In Amos He’s our burden bearer.
In Obadiah He’s a mighty to save
In Jonah He’s a great foreign missionary.
In Micah He’s a messenger of beautiful feet.
In Nahum He’s the avenger of God’s elect.
In Habakkuk He’s God’s evangelist crying.
In Zephaniah He’s a saviour
In Haggai He’s the restorer of God’s lost heritage.
In Zechariah He’s a fountain opened up for sin and uncleanness.
In Malachi He’s the Son of righteousness rising up with healing in his wings.
In Matthew He’s the Messiah
In Mark He’s a wonder worker
In Luke He’s the Son of Man
In John He’s the Son of God
In Acts He’s the Holy Ghost
In Romans He’s our Justifier
In 1 and 2 Corinthians He’s our Sanctifier
In Galatians He’s a redeemer from the curse of the law
In Ephesians He’s the Christ of unsearchable riches.
In Philippians He’s our God that supplies all our needs according to his riches and glory
In Colossians He’s the fullness of the Godhead bodily
In 1 and 2 Thessalonians He’s our soon coming King
In 1st and 2nd Timothy He’s our mediator between man and God.
In Titus He’s a faithful Pastor
In Philemon He’s a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
In Hebrews He’s the blood of the everlasting covenant.
In 1 and 2 Peter He’s our soon coming shepherd who shall appear with a crown of unfading glory.
In 1, 2, and 3 John He’s Love
In Jude He’s the Lord coming with 10,000 of His saints.
In Revelation He’s the King of kings and the Lord of lords
He’s Abel’s sacrifice
He’s Noah’s rainbow.
He’s Abraham’s ram in the bush.
He’s Isaac’s well
He’s Jacob’s ladder
He’s Judah’s sceptre
He’s Moses’ rod.
He’s Elisha’s staff
He’s Elijah’s Mantle
He’s Samuel’s horn of oil.
He’s David’s slingshot
He’s Isaiah’s fig
He’s Hezekiah’s Sundial.
He’s Peter’s shadow
He’s Paul’s handkerchief and apron
He’s Stephen’s signs and wonders.
He’s John’s pearly white city
He’s why Lambs Amongst Wolves exists.”
Feel the goosebumps already? I certainly did! We can’t wait for the next time Bishop Bronner preaches live in our church again! Till then, let’s continue to be doers of God’s word to apply all that we’ve learnt!