120 HOGC members were part of running the Radical x GenerationS conference in Taiwan, which saw 2000 youths, pastors and leaders inspired to build young people!
120 Heart of God Church members flew to Taiwan to run the Radical x GenerationS Conference in collaboration with Top Church (新店行道會)!
Together with Top Church’s team, our youths and young adults made the entire collab conference a success. 2000 youths, pastors and leaders from 111 churches packed out the entire conference!

Our young people served in areas such as the Worship Team, Sound, Lights, Sermon slides, Production, Photography, Social Media and more. As they gave their best, this collab was also a great learning opportunity.
Over 4 power-packed days, our senior pastors – Pastor How (陳少豪牧師), Pastor Lia (曾秀萍牧師), Pastor Charleston (Charleston牧師) and Pastor Lynette (Lynette牧師) preached in sessions about topics such as GenerationS, Redeeming the Office of the Pastor and Discipleship (門訓). Pastor Ee Loo (黃玉茹牧師) also preached in the youth service to encourage the young people.
There were also sessions with Pastor Zhang Mao Song(張茂松牧師)and Pastor Wayne Chang(張光偉牧師).
Want a glimpse of the conference? Check out some of the Taiwanese media’s coverage!
Good TV
1. Radical x GenerationS特會 累代增援概念為神國造夢 (Radical x GenerationS Conference – GenerationS building God’s Kingdom)
Good TV (好消息電視台) is a Chinese Christian TV channel. Watch their 4-minute video recap on what went down in the Radical x GenerationS Conference, and hear the thoughts of pastors and students who attended it.
2. 新加坡神之心教會 五位主任牧師同時共有領導權 (Heart of God Church Singapore: 5 Senior Pastors leading the church at the same time)
Pastor How and Pastor Lia share the secret sauce of building a strong youth church, as well as the benefits of having 5 senior pastors leading at the same time.
Christian Daily
3. 教會要如何帶門徒?曾秀萍:耶穌是先愛一個人,再去訓練他 (How should a church build disciples? Pastor Lia: Jesus first loved before training an individual)

Christian Daily (基督教今日報) is Taiwan’s first online Christian news publication. In this article, the author shares about the mindset shifts that Pastor Lia’s sermon on discipleship brought to the Taiwanese pastors and leaders. Read it to learn about “The Gold Standard of Discipleship.”
4. 你的有才,該用在哪裡?陳少豪:獻上最好的,選擇在神的事上成功 (Where should you use your talents? Pastor How shares how we should give our best and choose to succeed in the things of God.)

In another service, Pastor How shared about how “The Best Belongs to the House of God”. Many of the youths were challenged and inspired to give their strengths, talents, and time to God!
5. 為耶穌賽跑的路程若徬徨、迷失,青年人要學習:跑起來!矚目看耶穌 (If you feel lost when running the Christian race, youths can learn to fix their eyes on Jesus)
Pastor Ee Loo preached during a youth service and shared her testimony and insights as a youth pastor on how young people can fix their eyes on Jesus to last long in their Christian journey.
Kingdom Revival United Prayer Alliance
6. 陳少豪牧師:最好的屬於神的殿 年輕人要捨己建造神的殿 (Pastor How: The Best Belongs to The House of God, the next generation to lay down their lives to build God’s house)

Another Christian site – Kingdom Revival United Prayer Alliance (國度復興合一禱告聯盟), also covered Pastor How’s message “The Best Belongs to the House of God”. Read about how he challenged us to put God first in our lives and have BOTH success and significance.
7. 陳少豪牧師: 傳承合神心意的價值觀給下一代 復興從校園開始 (Pastor How: Passing on godly values to the next generation, revival begins from schools)
At a prayer meeting, Pastor How shared his heart and burden for the next generation in Taiwan. It was a memorable evening as Pastor How prayed for the church and future GenerationS (累代) together with Pastor Zhang Mao Song and several other local pastors.
8. Radical癲狂世代青年特會-神之心教會 累代領袖 核心價值 (Radical x GenerationS Conference – Heart of God Church, GenerationS of leaders and Core values)

Pastor Lynette and Pastor Charleston also shared key principles on youth, leadership and church-building in various workshops with pastors and leaders. Check out some of the memorable sessions and messages that inspired the conference attendees to build the next generation.
9. 神之心教會5位主任牧師團隊 興起Z世代自家栽培領袖 (Heart of God Church’s team of 5 senior pastors, Raising homegrown pastors in Gen Z)

Did you know? The concept that “GenerationS are Reinforcements” works even at the highest level of leadership. Read about how Heart of God Church is introducing and pioneering a model of senior leadership, where senior pastors from different generations are leading the church at the same time.
The Radical x GenerationS collab conference might have ended, but its impact has just begun. We are grateful for the opportunity to impact the next generation alongside our Taiwanese friends.