By: Y. Ming Rong
Among Us IRL, made by youths for youths! This life-sized production of the popular online game was brought to you by the young people of Heart of God Church!
If you haven’t watched it yet… which planet have you been on? Watch the video now!

I’m calling sus on Red.
Emergency Meeting!
Because I HAVE to show you a behind-the-scenes look at the production:
You’ve already seen the colourful cast on screen, but it’s now time to see those who are behind the camera.

DID YOU KNOW?! A total of 17 hours was spent in filming, with a grand total of 73 scenes taken 🤯🤯🤯
FYI: we heard from a professional that typical productions would only take 15-20 shots a day.
The team went the extra mile to create an unforgettable experience for all our students who were tuning in that weekend for service!
Mission Stats
Time Spent: 17 hours
Total Scenes: 73

10/10 Team Players
The Among Us IRL video was the result of the team’s dedication and hard work. Two of them who played a role were Choong Kai and Natasha.
While Choong Kai’s task was to take the lead on filming, Natasha worked with a team on scriptwriting and screenplay. Their efforts combined gave us a perfect mix of sus-pense and fun.

“Throughout the production, I really saw the strength of a team!” said Choong Kai. “To make sure everyone was on track, the filming team stayed up the night before to plan out the shot list and shooting schedule. With that, the whole production team went in knowing exactly what we needed. There wasn’t a moment wasted! And of course, we had plenty of laughs between takes too!”

Natasha: “In the end, we managed to pull it together in one week! Everyone worked together… from the art and logistics team to the filming crew, to the actors… Everyone wanted to make each other successful! Hearing about the many youths who tuned in for our online services that weekend being touched by the word of God – that made it all worth it!”
*Task Finished*
There are 5 Young Producers among us.
Our producers (the Events Team) consisted of 5 members who ran the show. They are also the ones who run events such as our church’s in-person services.
Our youngest crewmates, Henry and Xinyi, are only 17 years old this year!

Hmmm, I wonder what’s on that paper they’re all looking at. Could it be… the Impostor’s name?!
“It was so fulfilling seeing all our hard work connecting with different youths,” said 20-year-old Chu Ting from the Events Team. “When I told my connect group that the youngest person on the production team was only 15 years old… they were shocked! That’s their age! It was a mindset shift for them!”

Awesome work from the events crew, including Shyn’Ee (in white). Wait, wasn’t he acting too? That’s sus!
“What made it even sweeter was how our pastors supported us!” Said Shyn’Ee. “Pastor Lynette came down to the set to check out what we were up to, encouraged us and hung out with us between takes. Pastor How and Pastor Lia also sent down pizzas 🍕🍕🍕and refreshing coconut drinks!! We were so touched!!”
And… that’s how this young team achieved Victory. Isn’t it awesome being a youth in HOGC?
Just check out how much fun our crew had while bringing this production to life! ⬇️⬇️⬇️