By: Melvin C.
Celebrations moved from the public offline domain into online spaces as Heart of God Church (HOGC) members came together to celebrate the milestones in each other’s lives.
The eight weeks of circuit breaker has proven that #StayHome can be time for us to #StayConnected too! As Pastor Cecilia Chan shared in her sermon, ‘A House Is Not A Home’ – Church is not “Where”, but “Who”. We may be physically apart, but we are still close to one another!
Many Connect Groups (CG) sprung into action to celebrate key milestones and achievements of their friends online. Even though many graduation ceremonies were cancelled across Singapore to comply with Circuit Breaker measures, graduating university students from one CG were treated to an online Zoom ceremony. Of course, family and friends were invited too! There was even a segment for members to give a speech and a certificate presentation with fancy animations.

Everyone wholeheartedly shared about stories of living a significant life for God in university.
For one such graduate, SuAnn, the ceremony was heartwarming. “I personally was very touched by the effort and thought put into the planning of the graduation ceremony. It was honestly the best graduation party I could have asked for,” she said.
SuAnn’s friends, who were not from church, met her CG and shared they felt so welcomed. Who knew COVID-19 would present such an opportunity to connect people together online!
All across church, our members have found a thousand and one ways (I’m sure that’s an understatement) to celebrate birthdays, graduations, and even the completion of Follow Up Bible study lessons! The creativity is endless!

Seeing all these going on, the care, love and warmth in HOGC touches my heart. It goes beyond an extra mile but everyone does it with the widest beam on their faces! That’s the HOGC spirit lived out – Love God, Love Others, Love Life!