By: Germaine Q.
I first came to church in 2005. Having been through so many Revival Nights in Heart of God Church, it never fails to amaze me how fresh, convicted, prayed up and ready my Senior Pastors, Pastor Tan Seow How & Pastor Cecilia Chan are when they preach in camps. No matter how many Revival Nights, no matter how many times they’ve preached the sermon, it always feels like their first.
Here’s just one instance of how they’d give their best. After preparing a powerful and new sermon for the recent university camp, Pastor How met the Screens Team to go through every single screen. After which, he’d internalise the whole sermon through and through. He does this so that he can preach from memory, flow with God and engage the people — without having to refer back to the sermon much. (In fact, all our Pastors in HOGC do this for every single sermon—be it an old or new message!)
To most people, that’d be more than enough; but not for Pastor How.

Pastor How even came down to the Auditorium twice to rehearse the transitions with the Events, Media and Sound teams, making sure the sounds required for the sermon are just right to bring about maximum impact.

This is how in HOGC, we always have life-changing Revival Nights. Nights where God speaks to us, where He gives us dreams & visions. I’m thankful to God for placing me in Heart of God church where I have Pastors who seize every opportunity to speak the truth of God into our lives.