By: Sabrina C.

I have heard this guest speaker the most growing up in church and he is none other than Pastor Joakim Lundqvist! He is the Senior Pastor of Word of Life Church Sweden, one of the largest churches in Sweden and the most influential church in Scandinavia and the former Soviet Union. It is best known for its extensive missions programme and international outreach. To date, the Word of Life has sent over 6,000 people to the mission fields all over the world to countries like India, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan and many more.
I still remember the first time Pastor Joakim preached in Heart of God Church (Singapore). I was captivated by all the stories Pastor Joakim shared of young people back in Sweden being bold and vocal about their faith, using creative ideas so people can encounter the love of Christ! Like the guy who wanted to do something bold for Jesus and put up posters of himself all over his school that said “I’m a Christian, ask me why!” The most unexpected people came and asked him about his faith and eventually became Christians!
I remember feeling challenged to bring a student revival wherever I went. If God could work through the youths in Sweden, He could do the same for me too!

Over the years, Pastor Joakim has become a familiar face. In fact, he’s the guest speaker that has visited our church the most number of times! That speaks volumes of the friendship that our Senior Pastors, Pastor Tan Seow How and Pastor Cecilia Chan have with him. They share the same heart and belief that youths can do great things for Jesus!

We simply can’t wait for Pastor Joakim to be back in our Church and preaching with the same passion for young people as he did when he first came!