Happenings, Local Community

Heart of God Church Members Visit Khadijah Mosque for a Learning Experience4 min read

Earlier in June at the International Conference on Cohesive Societies (ICCS), our senior pastor, Pastor Tan Seow How, spoke alongside Dr Mohamed Bin Ali from the neighbouring Khadijah Mosque.

“Youth are leaders today, not just tomorrow,” Pastor Tan Seow How shares at the International Conference on Cohesive Societies (ICCS), in a session with Dr Mohamed Bin Ali from the neighbouring Khadijah Mosque.

Recently, Pastor Garrett Lee from Heart of God Church and a team met up with Dr Ali to learn about Khadijah Mosque’s history.

The Heart of God Church team with Dr Ali at Khadijah Mosque.

They also presented Dr Ali with the speaker’s honorarium Pastor How had received from ICCS, to show our support for Khadijah Mosque’s community efforts.

Pastor Garrett Lee from Heart of God Church presenting Dr Ali with the speaker’s honorarium Pastor Tan Seow How received from ICCS. 

Through Dr Ali, we’ve come to appreciate how Khadijah Mosque has been supporting the efforts of Religious Rehabilitation Group, a group of voluntary Muslim clerics who work closely with the authorities to provide religious counselling to correct the misinterpretation of Islamic concepts and dispel extremist ideologies. 

The team learns about the origin of the Religious Rehabilitation Group.

For 18-year-old Damien, it was his first few times at a mosque. “Through this trip, I learnt to treasure the peace we enjoy in Singapore,” he shared. 

“I’m grateful for the great relationship we have with members of various ethnic and religious groups, and the opportunities we have to learn from one another. We may be Malay, Chinese, Indian, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, but we are still one Singapore!”

During the visit, our team learnt about the history of Khadijah Mosque.

“Having grown up in Heart of God Church, our pastors and leaders have always taught us about building bridges, not walls,” shares Zhong Yi, who was also involved in other community events such as our Joint Blood Donation Drive and interfaith activities such as the ICCS Young Leaders Meet Up. He added, “this was an eye-opening experience and I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn more about our friends in the community and the work they are doing.”

Dr Ali presenting the team with a gift for Heart of God Church to 
commemorate the visit to Khadijah Mosque. 
In the book, Dr Ali wrote, “To Heart of God Church, thank you very much for the friendship and visit to our RRG Resource Centre. With best wishes always!” 

In Heart of God Church, we believe in building bridges with our community. Together, we all play an important role in building a cohesive society.

For more on HOGC’s community efforts, click HERE!

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