By: Sara-Jean Y.
“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.”
– Romans 10:17 (NLT)
Faith is like a muscle, if you don’t use it, you’ll never grow. That’s why I’m so thankful that Heart of God Church launched Faith Essentials during the Circuit Breaker period. It is the perfect opportunity to build our spiritual muscles even as we #StayHome! Like what Pastor How wrote, “whether we are #HOGCgathered or #HOGCscattered, training doesn’t stop.”
Faith Essentials is the first module of Heart of God Church’s (HOGC) Christian Education track. The course is specially designed by our pastors to provide essential teachings of the Christian faith. These Bible Study lessons will prepare us to experience a deeper and stronger walk with God.
While the course was intended to incorporate in-person sessions and discussion groups. Unfortunately, due to Circuit Breaker measures, these were quickly pivoted to recordings and CG Zoom discussions.
Honestly, that was really a blessing in disguise for adult zone CGs because we were able to ‘binge watch’ the sessions. We could also quickly close our office e-mails and log in to Zoom to join in the CG discussions!
But what was even more amazing is that we realised that we could encounter God right in our own homes. “At the end of the ‘Hearing from God’ Zoom class, there was a segment where we just listened to God. I could really feel God’s strong presence in my room, and the names of the friends He wanted me to share the love of Christ with,” said Lionel Khoo.
Even though we are apart, it doesn’t mean we are alone. Post-module CG discussions were the perfect avenue to spur each other on and share personal revelations.
Says Lichang, one of the 1,600 members who completed the Faith Essentials module, “From the discussions, I was able to really learn a lot from the leaders and veterans in the church who shared their encounters and journey with God. It was also very encouraging to hear everyone speak about their burden and vision for the CG, the church, and our friends. It really pulled us together as a team and would definitely not have happened if we had watched the modules alone.”
It doesn’t matter whether you are an ‘old’ Christian, or a ‘new’ Christian – Faith Essentials is the perfect companion to strengthen our walk with God. Let’s keep growing!