Spiritual Growth

Leveling Up Our Life Skills With Dr Robi Sonderegger

In Heart of God Church, we believe that spiritual and holistic growth can go hand-in-hand! Here’s what we learnt...

My Life Revolved Around Myself Until I Found Something Greater to Live For!

As a freestyle footballer, Andrew could do tricks such as the 'Around the World' but his life only revolved...

Finding her greatest adventure

Fanny always craved for fun and adrenaline, but it was only when she encountered God that she found her...

My Search for Purpose Unexpectedly Led Me to God

Seng Chye was always skeptical about Christianity but it was in his pursuit for purpose that he found God...

Pastor Glyn Barrett Imparting Faith And Hope In HOGC ON-AIR

A much sought-after communicator, his messages and inspirational teachings have challenged and impacted us.

Prayer and Each Other – Just What We Need to Navigate This COVID-19 Season

Throughout this trying season, many of us still find joy and solace from the strong bonds within our Connect...

Spiritual Muscle Development with Faith Essentials

Even as our physical muscles take a break as we #StayHome, it is the best time to work on...

Giving Pastors a Breather amidst the Pandemic

Pastor Cecilia Chan from Heart of God Church shared her message with 17 churches to ease the burden of...

A Youth’s Take on Connecting with God

For 16-year-old Henry, coding is his first language. Now, he has taken connecting with God to a whole new...