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Think Christian Young Adults Can’t Serve God?

As young adults start work, it’s common to think that they have no time or energy to serve God....

HOGC Youth Treated to a Professional Basketball Clinic

Looking for the most happening youth church in Singapore during the holidays? Put professional basketball coach Nathaniel Salanga and...

Singapore Kindness Movement Awards HOGC Youth

29 May 2015—Singapore Kindness Movement presents an award to the Heart of God Church youth for the #loveothers14 initiative....

5 Youth Teams In HOGC You Never Knew Existed

“In Heart of God Church, we want to give our youths the opportunity, environment, equipment and encouragement to experiment...

Our Heroes: Nepal Disaster Relief

From 13 May-17 May, Heart of God Church sent a team of four to Nepal for disaster relief. The...

Nepal Disaster Relief: Live Update

On 25 April, Nepal was struck by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake which killed more than 8,000, injured more than 18,000...

Moments with Mum 2015

Mothers are unsung heroes. With family being one of our core values in Heart of God Church, we decided...

Alive for Others: Easter 2015

Romans 6:11 “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus” Easter...


“You cannot unlearn what you have seen.” – Pastor Bill Wilson 6th March 2015, our largest missions team yet headed...

Leadership Development for a World Class Church

As we prepare to move into our new home, our leadership team is already preparing for the next stage...