By: Chris C.
“A strong church builds strong people” and “the strength of a church is defined not by its seating capacity but by its sending capacity”. Everyone gets impacted at our church and very early into my time with HOGC, these two quotes, emphatically preached by Pastor Tan Seow How, epitomize the new ideals engraved in me in my development as a Christian. As a working adult hearing these words, I garnered a strong compellation to serve; I signed up for Basic Ministry Training and was further exposed to the wonders of HOGC.

Through ushering duties, one can see HOGC youths are different. They are motivated by something profound resonating in them, their passion for God. I witnessed teenagers half my size scurrying around lifting chairs and arranging them with utmost precision. No detail was overlooked. They toiled for hours, and only when service commences do they allow themselves an exhale of satisfaction.

They love Jesus, they love the church, and they strive for astronomical standards. Such endeavours are unlike garnering likes on Instagram or saving up for that holy-grail branded accessory. These standards stem from selflessness, not self-obsession.

An organization that allows youths to exercise their graciousness is a treasure. Youths can witness the steady propagation of goodness when positive deeds are passed on in a continuous cycle, resulting in something truly magical and wondrous. Like when our young ushers witness the climax of our worship sessions or the raised hands during altar calls. I signed up for Basic Ministry Training with a hunger to serve; after watching these fervent and passionate youths, that hunger is amplified.