Father’s Day


2012 年的整整六個月,我們存下的每一塊錢,少豪牧師就會給我們多一塊錢。這真的鼓勵我要儲蓄更多錢!那幾個月改變了我的生活和思維方式,教會了我存錢和規劃未來的重要性!

How I Learnt the Importance of Savings

For six whole months, every dollar we saved, Pastor How would match it with another dollar. I’m so impacted...


父親節曾經是我不想面對的一天,現在的我卻期待著每年的父親節。我也找到了勇氣做最艱難的事 —— 原諒父親。

From a Day I Dreaded, I Now Look Forward to Father’s Day Every Year

7 year ago, on my first Father’s Day in church, I received a gift and letter from Pastor How....