
The Real Stars of HOGC: Unseen, Unheard, Unsung

Ever wondered why the mirrors in HOGC are always spotless, the toilets sparkling, and the floors squeaky clean? Meet...

15 Years Old & Operating Sound for Thousands

I had no skills, yet my leaders patiently trained me from scratch. They met me for hours at a...

Reinforcements Weekend

As the service went on, to our surprise… we discover the service was run entirely by youth! Teenagers from...

He’s 16. He also strings Together 8 Ministries in the Media Department.

My life used to be so meaningless. I chased after all the fun things in life, but after the...

From Troublemaker to Trainer

Before coming to church, I was empty and purposeless. I was the student who made teachers cry and got...

Think Christian Young Adults Can’t Serve God?

As young adults start work, it’s common to think that they have no time or energy to serve God....

5 Youth Teams In HOGC You Never Knew Existed

“In Heart of God Church, we want to give our youths the opportunity, environment, equipment and encouragement to experiment...

Gearing up for our New Home: Physically & Spiritually

The church is not just a physical building – it is a home for members from all walks of...