Strong Church Hong Kong shifted gears on Day 2, the first full day of our conference. Today, the pastors...
Well before the opening of the gates, Southorn Stadium was abuzz with excitement as the Heart of God Church...
Today, all 212 team members of the Strong Church Conference Hong Kong 2019 set off from Singapore in five...
今日,所有在2019 Strong Church 特會服事的212名會友乘搭五個不同班機從新加坡出發。從早上6.30開始,一直到下午12:55的最後一班航班,不同團隊就這樣抵達香港,開始為特會做足準備。
In Heart of God Church, we don't have a Cantonese-speaking congregation. However, the need for Cantonese interpreters and translators...
Strong Church Hong Kong is going to be my first-ever mission trip. It’s also going to be my first...