Academic Excellence

A Second Shot at the A-Levels: An Interview with Our Most Improved Student

After a year of studying and applying the Academic Excellence principles he learnt in Heart of God Church, Nicholas'...



Academic Excellence: Serving Beyond The Hospital

In church, I learnt that I could live a life of both success and significance, impacting the lives of...


我和 Charmaine 從小在教會長大。我們13 歲開始,就在學到很多原則,比如 「創造制勝的習慣」 和 「若沒有計劃,你就計劃失敗」。我從而促成幫助自己有效學習的方式,在 O 水准會考中也獲頒飛躍進步學生獎!如今,我已經從淡馬錫理工學院畢業,也獲得國家教育學院的全額教學獎學金。

Academic Excellence: Homegrown Leaders Produce Outstanding Results

Charmaine and I grew up in church. Since we were 13 years old, we learnt principles such as “Create...

Academic Excellence: Inspired to Inspire

I used to be very results-driven in the way I taught my students. But after I listened to the...

Hangout? Study? How about both.

Why do the young people of Heart of God Church spend so much time there? What do they do?...

5 Key Facts: Academic Excellence Open House With Assoc. Prof. Fatimah Lateef

#5 – AE started the same year as Facebook Pastor Tan Seow How (Pastor How) started the Academic Excellence...

4 Tips To Study Better

With the major examinations looming around the corner, everyone’s studying really hard! Need something extra other than coffee to pull...