Holistic Development

IN FOCUS: The videographers behind HOGC On Air

Enjoying HOGC On Air? Find out how these weekly online services were made possible by a talented team of...

New Addition to Life Skills Development Track Amid COVID-19: Roadmap to Resilience

Developed by clinical psychologist Dr Robi Sonderegger and co-funded by Heart of God Church, the course is designed to...

9 & 11-year-old photographers at the Children’s Church Camp

Making the dreams of young people come to pass, even if it means trusting them with equipment worth thousands...

A surprise forever captured in this photographer’s heart

It wasn't any special occasion, until I received this camera as a gift from the church.

A Youth’s Take on Connecting with God

For 16-year-old Henry, coding is his first language. Now, he has taken connecting with God to a whole new...

7 Things I Learnt Growing Up & Serving In Church

Coming to church and serving in Usher Ministry through secondary school, tertiary education, national service and now as a...

People First: An Illogical Way of Video Production

I joined the ministry with the intention to share what I learnt from the film industry. But I learnt...

Meet Javier. He’s Now the Youngest Drummer in Our Church!

To have a youth playing the drums and ushering in the Presence of God for thousands of people doesn't...


我和 Charmaine 從小在教會長大。我們13 歲開始,就在學到很多原則,比如 「創造制勝的習慣」 和 「若沒有計劃,你就計劃失敗」。我從而促成幫助自己有效學習的方式,在 O 水准會考中也獲頒飛躍進步學生獎!如今,我已經從淡馬錫理工學院畢業,也獲得國家教育學院的全額教學獎學金。

Academic Excellence: Homegrown Leaders Produce Outstanding Results

Charmaine and I grew up in church. Since we were 13 years old, we learnt principles such as “Create...